Di-special occasion is a privately owned company whose founder and owner loves fashion, shopping and most of all styling and elegance. The owner personally sources every single product and, item for the best price, but will never compromise on quality. It might not always be the latest fashion but quality timepieces, under which a number of these items are international name brands. We also support local South Africa suppliers whose quality is of extremely high standards. Our aim is to teach customers more about name brands and what to look out for when you pay for a quality item to check if it is indeed an authenticated item.
Don’t worry everyone is not able to afford the big name brands, so we also cater for more cost effective garments that will make you feel SPECIAL, every minute. Our motto is, if we don’t wear it, we won’t sell it. Are you scared to purchase something from China or other international companies, we do it for you and will make recommendations for you all the way to ensure the item you so desperately want will fit and you can still look your best for a fraction of the cost with no brand name tag. REMEMBER, it is all about styling.
What makes us unique: we keep our stock and you don’t need to wait for it to be sent from suppliers so once you have placed an order we can immediately arrange for shipment through our different shipment options once your payment has cleared in our bank account. Last minute purchases can reach you within a day or two which is currently Gauteng based, but nationwide deliveries are available though couriers or pudo.
We specialise in
Womens clothing, corporate, casual, sportswear and obviously shoes – filter through our option Di-Lady
Men’s clothing, corporate, casual, sportswear and shoes – sort through our option That Man
Gifts, from name branded authenticated and certified watches to gadgets you can only dream of. If you have a special occasion we can cater for all your needs. A last minute rugby game, birthday parties – don’t worry, we are a one store shop and are able to get you dressed and have various gifts you can choose from for that SPECIAL OCCASION.
Our loyalty programme
The more you shop the more you save
The more customers you refer the more discount you will get for your next purchase
This is based on your annual spend from your first purchase